Thursday, March 25, 2021

Vitamin D and Calcium: The Twin Partners

Who came first, Egg or Hen?

Well, even we don’t know but what we know is that both needed Calcium. And that’s what we, humans too need. 

Today, more than 40% of the population is suffering from some form of calcium deficiency.

But do you know, most people are taking calcium supplements yet they are deficient? Why?

Welcome to our blog, Health Decoder.

Today we’re going to decode why are so many people deficient in Calcium and why are they still deficient even after taking its supplements. Though Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and yet, people are deficient.

Most of the health problems begin with misconceptions. Even here, there is a misconception that Calcium deficiency can be met with Calcium supplements (calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium malate).  But it is not so and that’s because people lack Calcium due to deficiency of its twin partner Vitamin D which is responsible for the absorption of dietary calcium into the blood.

Another misconception is that Calcium is needed only in the early years of growth, i.e. when the bones are growing in early childhood. That’s not true! It is needed in all stages of life, only the amount needed varies. And that’s why so many people are struggling today with health problems relating to calcium deficiency.

It is not only for bone health that calcium is essential, but it also has role plays in muscle function, heart health, nerve signalling, blood clotting and teeth health. The truth is that bones receive Calcium at the end as storage when Calcium needed for all other processes has been used up by the rest of the body. And when blood lacks calcium for essential processes, it takes up from the bone mass. Wondering, where does the Calcium go? Is all the calcium intake being stored in bones? Well, bones and teeth store nearly 99% of the body’s calcium, the remaining being in your body fluids. You shed calcium daily, it’s only that you are unaware of it. Every day, the human body sheds Calcium in form of urine, sweat, faeces, hair, nails and even skin and that makes it certain why you need to maintain your body’s calcium levels. Besides, excess calcium that is not used up or is excreted may create other side effects like kidney stones. 

When calcium is neither absorbed nor excreted, it gets deposited as calcium oxalate crystals in kidneys as renal calculi or stones which may also pass into the urinary bladder and can even block the urine flow causing intense pain needing immediate medical attention. 

Most people never realize that they are suffering from Vit. D and Calcium deficiency. They visit a physician for problems like fractures, bone and joint pain, muscle weakness and the like.

Now, these people may start taking Calcium supplements. But the problems persist because the calcium taken is not being used up by the body since it is not being absorbed and that’s mainly due to lack of Vitamin D.

For proper utilization of calcium, the calcium that we intake either through foods or through supplements has to enter our bloodstream from where it is used for vital body functions and that which is left is stored in the bones. But when this calcium neither gets in the blood, it is unable to make its way to bones. The body treats it as a waste material that has to be excreted via kidneys. Now, kidneys think that body may need calcium and it reabsorbs it from urine which traps calcium in the kidneys in the form of kidney stones. 

In events of calcium deficiency, bones weaken and get porous making them fragile and vulnerable to fractures.

Other reasons for bone loss may relate to the use of certain medications or underlying diseases, excessive smoking, alcoholism, lack of exercise or the hormone estrogen. Bones are made from collagen and non-collagen proteins, and they are fortified with calcium. If a person does not take in enough calcium from their diet, the body extracts calcium from the bones, resulting in loss of bone strength and mass. 

Since more than 90% of a person's bone mass develops before 20 years of age, and half of that bone mass develops from 11-15 years of age, so Calcium needed in this stage is more as compared to other times. But, it is not true that a person does not need it at all after crossing this age. After the early 30s, enough Calcium is needed by the body to maintain the bone mass. The recommended daily intake (RDI) of calcium is 1,000 mg per day for most adults, though women over 50 mg and everyone over 70 should get 1,200 mg per day, while children aged 4–18 are advised 1,300 mg daily intake.

Do you drink milk? Do you eat cheese or yoghurt? How many dairy products are you taking or are you not taking them at all? OR seafood, legumes, leafy greens, dried fruits, tofu? These are all rich in Calcium. What we are trying to say is that most people do not meet their daily requirement of Calcium intake through their diet. So, the first reason for the deficiency is the lack of Calcium intake. 

What if you are taking enough calcium and still you are either deficient or you have kidney stones?

With sedentary lifestyles and most people working indoors, They don’t have time for sunshine.

This is why they do not get enough sunlight which is the natural source of Vit. D.

It is formed in our body when cholesterol in our skin gets exposed to sunlight.

Do you know Vitamin D is also known as the Sunshine vitamin?

So, even if the intake of Calcium is improved, it is useless without Vitamin D.

So, should you be taking a Vitamin D supplement alongside a calcium supplement? Well, yes if you want to stay on medicines which is ideally not recommended.

And here’s the secret, the health code decoded:

Our body stops making what it is spoon-fed from outside.

Most people may not take Vit. D deficiency as a lifestyle disease. 

And we believe that a problem that has been created by lifestyle can be treated by modifying the lifestyle. And anyone can do it anytime.

If you are suffering from health problems caused due to calcium deficiency like osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, etc., then you must be taking calcium supplements which are not enough and you should start getting enough Vitamin D and that through sunlight rather than any supplement because When the twins come together, they can work wonders.

They not only make up for the deficiency, but can also reverse the damage caused that no medicine can do for you, but lifestyle can.

Deficiency of Vitamin D leads to deficiency of Calcium and also phosphorus, both of which are essential nutrients. Taking Calcium supplements without Vitamin D can also make your body prone to renal stones and calculi. 

Do read the post till the end. There’s a big secret underway.

For people who are above 50 years and have a decreased ability to form Vitamin D can have it replenished through dietary sources like egg yolk, butter, cod liver oil, fatty fish like sardines, swordfish, tuna, beef liver and certain fortified foods or supplements.

But, do not forget, what you start taking from outside, your body will stop making in the inside. It is just like forgetting to cook once you start eating out regularly. The healthy option is always to opt for natural sources. They have zero to minimum adverse effects. While consuming eggs or other fats may not be permissible for you due to other health conditions, sunlight is doing no bad.

But the question is: How much sunlight do you essentially need to have enough Vitamin D?

Well, the answer is: Try having a brunch meal in a tank top and shorts under the sun at least 3-4 times a week

Why brunch and not breakfast or lunch? Any guesses?

That’s because for healthy blood levels of Vitamin D, you need to expose your skin for 13-30 minutes of midday sun since it is during the noon when you get the most of UVB rays that are needed to make Vitamin D. Before noon, there are not enough UV rays reaching us.

And in the afternoon, there are skin-damaging rays. But don’t enjoy the sun from a sunny window since glass filters these rays and you won’t be able to make Vitamin D.

Moreover, only the skin exposed to sunlight will make Vitamin D and not that which is covered and this is why I mentioned tank top and shorts.

Coming to the seasons, Summers are the best time to get sunlight for replenishing Vitamin D levels. And if you have dark skin, you are blessed to have natural sunscreen protection since more melanin filters UV rays.

Therefore, you may need a longer duration of sunlight exposure to get enough Vit. D.

Also if you live at a place that falls far away from the equator, you have a lesser window of summer months to make Vitamin D and you’ll need to expose your skin for a little longer and regular. 

The last health secret why most people take both calcium and Vitamin D supplements and yet none is being absorbed as much as is needed.

Do you know why?

Because they are not taken the way they should be.

Because it’s a pill, people think they can pop it in anytime and any way they like.

But, NO!

Calcium should be taken during the day time, preferably with milk. And Vitamin D supplement has to be taken upon an empty stomach the first thing in the morning with a sole fat, like clarified butter or cream. 


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, remember it is synthesized from cholesterol. 

So it gets absorbed only with fats. And when you pop it in with water, the outcomes are not as expected. 

Besides, Vit. D, Calcium absorption can also be hindered by other factors like some medicines, high intake of sodium, excess protein or oxalate intake. These substances increase calcium excretion from the body. So, you need extra calcium when taking high amounts of Calcium, more proteins, and more foods like spinach, chocolate, chard, berries, tea, sweet potatoes, etc. Besides, if you are in love with processed foods, then most likely you may be calcium deficient. Some substances in them like phosphorus also interfere with calcium absorption. And if you are trying to lose weight through a Vegan meal, you may lose weight but you’ll also lose bone health since most common vegan foods contain very little Calcium and you need to replenish the gap left. 

So, stay tuned and subscribe for more posts like this.

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Self-help section:

Calcium Recommended Daily Allowances:

Age Range (Years)

Calcium (mg/Day)



51-70 (Men)


51-70 (Women)


Over 70



Calcium in different foods:


Calcium (in mg)

1 cup of milk

291-302 mg

1 cup of yogurt

345-415 mg

1 ounce of American cheese

 174 mg

1 ounce of cheddar cheese

191 mg

1 ounce of mozzarella cheese


½ cup ricotta cheese


1 cup of fortified soy or rice beverage

250 mg-300 mg

½ cup ice cream

80 mg-90 mg

1 cup beans (cooked)


½ cup soybeans (cooked) 


½ cup tofu 


½ cup hummus


3 ounces canned salmon (with bones) 


3 ounces canned sardines (with bones)


4 ounces salmon


½ cup almonds


1 tablespoon sesame seeds


1 orange


½ cup dried figs


½ cup rhubarb


½ cup broccoli (cooked) 


½ cup kale (cooked) 


½ cup collard greens (cooked)


½ cup spinach (cooked)


1 cup fortified cereal 

200mg – 300mg

1 English muffin (wheat) 


2 slices bread (white) 



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